Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Only Time We Really Look Forward to Commericals

It's funny because any other time we dread commercials. They always seem to come on at the most inopportune times. Like when you're watching your favorite television show, and just when a big moment happens and you're waiting to see what the next move will be, the commercials come on. UGH!

Except for one day. One day in all the year people turn to their TV to actually SEE the commercials.

Unless you actually watch the Superbowl for the actual game, you know what I'm talking about. The Superbowl Commericals.

Companies spend millions of dollars for less than a moment of your time on this day. And I love it. I love seeing the commercials that make me laugh, and ones that make me emotional. They are all very entertaining.

Superbowl commercials are the ones that are remembered for years. From the Budwesier "Frogs" to the 1979 "Mean Joe Greene" Coke commercial.

Even if they aren't successful in getting viewers to purchase their product, Superbowl commercials still get the respect of producing one of the most memorable commercials that will be the hottest topic at the watercooler. Oh and they serve as a refuge for those who are forced to watch the superbowl against their will.

My words are up.

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