Environmentalists in Brazil have started a campaign to get citizens to save water. And you will never guess what they are asking Brazilians to do...
Find out when you read the rest.
They are asking Brazilians to urinate while they are in the shower. Yes, while someone is in the shower washing themselves, environmentalists are telling them to go ahead and let it out. This is to help conserve water and save the rainforest.
Although they are completely serious about this, SOS Mata Atlantica launched a humorous campaign to promote urinating in the shower. In the ad below, you will see people from all walks of life peeing in the shower(my favorite is the Jordan icon relieving himself). At the end of the animated ad it says, "Pee in the shower! Save the Atlantic rainforest!"
The television ads are claiming that if everyone does this, then over 1,000 gallons of water per household can be saved a year.
Ken Livingstone- The former mayor of London, England, proposed a similar campaign in 2006. He said urine should be classified as a "green waste" and that "there is no earthly reason that you need to flush the loo if you have merely urinated. That's a huge saving of water."
My words are up.
Courtesy of bizarrenews.org
I'm all for going green, but wow...