Tomorrow Soledad O’brien will be reporting on CNN’s highly anticipated segment “Black In America 2”. Click CONTINUE to read more...
I tuned in last year to watch, and although it was creatively done, I remember being very disappointed. I felt that she showed African Americans in a very negative light, and she didn’t really go in depth with the people that she featured. She would tell us about the problems of one family, and how they needed to solve them, only then to move on to another story. I remember feeling frustrated because I wanted to know how the families ended up, and I felt that she left too many loose ends.
Fortunately for us(I hope), Black in America 2 is said to be focused on the SOLUTIONS to the problems in Black America. This should be a better segment to watch, but I hope there is some type of update on the unfinished stories in the first “Black In America” segment.
CNN came to the University of Missouri-Columbia last semester to give a “pre-screening” of Black In America 2. Many students turned out for the event, expecting to be one of the first to witness it, only to be shown an elongated commercial for the segment. Many, including myself, were let down. We were only shown tidbits of the different stories that are going to be featured, and it caused me to have a serious Déjà vu from Black in America 1.
I seriously hope that Soledad O’Brien will be able to effectively show African Americans in a more positive light.

What did you think of Black in America 1?
Will you be tuning in to watch Black in America 2? What would you like to see?
Let’s get a comment conversation going to get our thoughts together before we watch the second installment. Then after watching Black In America 2 tomorrow at 8pm, come on Alex’s Anecdotes and express your opinions!
My words are up.
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