Thursday, July 30, 2009

Great Award Receives Not-So-Great Headline

As you all may know, I just love posts about things happening in the media.

Well today, there has been a little front page headline "mishap". The Huffington Post has called it "The Unfortunate Headline of the Day", and I thought I'd share it with you.

The Kiwanis Club of Dekalb, Texas offers the "Lay Person of the Year" award to deserving candidates who do outstanding work in the community.

I would like to be one of the many to congratulate Reporter Rita Hooker, for her fantastic work in the community and with children.

I just wish they could've done the front page headline differently for your award announcement...

To add to the matter, a Kiwanis Board member is quoted as saying,
 “After all she does for our community and our children, whether it be in work or in play, she feels that she falls short of this recognition. We beg to differ as Rita is a vital and necessary part of our town, our club and our workforce.”

Congratulations to Rita Hooker.

My words are up.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Shocking Video that Led a Man to 16 Years in Prison

Samuel Dewayne Delmast from Sherman, TX was pulled over for following too closely behind another car. When the police pulled him over, they felt that he was acting suspiciously, so they brought him in to the station.

When you read the rest you will find the shocking video that caused him to plead guilty to drug possession- and led him to be sentenced to 16 years in prison. 

In this video, you see Delmast drop powder onto the floor, and then drop down on all fours to lick it up.

According to Grayson County District Attorney Joe Brown, tests show that the powder found was methamphetamine.

When I saw this video, I felt that I was witnessing some of the outlandish things that drugs can cause you to do. I also was wondering why that is worth SIXTEEN years in prison....

What did you think?

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Monday, July 27, 2009

The persecution of Christians is Not a Thing of the Past, But of the Present

When most people hear of persecution of the Christians, they think of Ancient Rome in the 1st century. The days of martyrs and edicts banning Christian practices are considered long gone. People usually never think to consider it as something that is currently going on. But what people don’t know is that 65% of the 70 million Christians who have been killed for their faith lived in the 20th century, and believers are still being killed to this day.

In North Korea, persecution is alive and rampant.

North Korea is known to be intolerant of religion, and only the founder of the country and his son(Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-il) can be worshipped in mass public display.

Human rights groups in North Korea are saying that the persecution of Christians is growing more intense every day. In North Korea, owning a Bible can be just reason for torture.

There are reports of a woman being publicly executed last month because she was charged with distributing Bibles and spying for South Korea and the U.S. Her parents, husband, and children were then sent to prison camps.

According to Open Doors USA, North Korea is the number one nation in the world for persecuting Christians. Tens of thousands are reported to have been sent to prison camps, tortured, and/or killed. Saudi Arabia, Iran and Somalia are also listed in the Open Doors top five.

It is estimated that there are currently 30,000 Christians practicing secretly in North Korea.

My words are up.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

The Union responds to the Henry Gates Arrest!

In light of all the recent media hoopla on the Henry Louis Gates arrest inside of his own home, police unions have decided to speak out. The union leaders held a live press conference just moments ago, and they spoke out in FULL support of Sergeant James Crowley(the arresting officer).

I featured the press conference LIVE on this blog, and I am working on getting that video so that others may watch it in case they missed it. Until then, I have provided a brief overview of what the unions had to say, and a video that sums up the situation when you read the rest.

The Union leaders press Conference:
-They asked the President and Gov. Deval Patrick to apologize for their remarks on the arrest
-In reference to Obama’s remarks: said that the police didn’t act stupidly, but rather the other party did (Meaning Henry Louis Gates)
-They even said that they don’t necessarily agree with the fact that the charges were dropped!
-“He encountered a full lack of cooperation”. So I guess that to them, that means that the arrest was warranted.
-They said that the sergeant acted appropriately by arresting Gates for disorderly conduct in his own home
-Why didn’t the African American on the stage speak? Guess he was just up there for show.

The Union Leaders definitely had a lot to say. They fully support the sergeant, and feel that Gates was in the wrong. But how? Let’s think about it. Someone sees an African American breaking into a house so they call the police. Okay fine. The police arrive at the scene, to find the suspect already in the house, so they ask for an ID. Okay fine. Just doing their job. But once Gates showed his ID, WHY was an arrest made? That’s where I have the problem. So what if Gates was angry and upset? Wouldn’t you be? That is still no cause for arrest. People talk crazy or bad mouth police everyday. If EVERYONE who has done something similar to that were to be arrested, then there would barely be any room left in the jailhouse. The sergeant should have just been satisfied with the fact that his job was done, and walked away. You know, to go pull over someone for speeding or to stop a robbery or something.

MSNBC video that has Crowley & Gates' different versions of the situation:

But I guess since none of us were actually there, and we didn't hear OR see what went on for ourselves, we aren't really free to comment on the situation. But we sure can have an opinion based on what we DO know.

My words are up.
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Thoughts and Yours- BiA2 CONTINUED

Tonight's Black in America 2 was infinitely better than the first. Soledad O'Brien said she was going to talk about SOLUTIONS with Black in America 2, and tonight I actually feel she did just that. And boy, did she do it well. Tonight's theme, Today's Pioneers, was great journalism overall.

Once again, read the rest to find my points in "to the point" form.

-The part that showed the black couple graduating from Boot Camp was beautiful. "This is the only man that I will ever love. So why not try your hardest to make it work?"

- I loved the poetic lead ins from the commercials. The children were SO cute! Last time Soledad used a poet, but I definitely think this had a better effect.

-The story of the woman with breast cancer was sad. But I do agree with Soledad- she acted like she was winning. I would love to have updates on how she is doing.

-The struggle of the ex-con was painful to watch. The quote that stood out from Chris: "This is's not a living." (On the struggle of life after being behind bars.)
-The fact that he ended up back in handcuffs was heartbreaking. But I found it hard to believe that his girlfriend had
NO IDEA that he was up to.

-Project Brotherhood: I did not know that less than 5% of physicians are black. Good to see that at least 6 of those black doctors are committed to helping out the black community. But isn't it kinda sad that the way to get black people to go to the doctor is by making it an office/barbershop? Hey, whatever works though!

-Geoffrey Canada's program was JUST what some African Americans need. "That's the pipeline- start from birth and stay with them right through till they graduate from college" . I AGREE! Be a constant force in their life, showing them the correct path. EVERY child needs this, instead of just dropping in their life for a period and then leaving.

-The part on Tyler Perry: The job a journalist is to present ALL sides of a story. So I really appreciated the fact that she showed someone who didn't necessarily agree with the type of work he does. I have watched some of his movies, and I don't care that much for the character Madea. Aside from his/her character, the movies without her(ex-Why did I get Married), are really good. But I do know that I definitely do not care for the "House of Payne" show.  Most of the people I associate with feel the same. So when Soledad said that most black adults in America watch it, I cringed. There are definitely better shows out there.
-and WHY did he change his name? What's wrong with Emmett?
-Tyler did make a good point. You must look far into the future-Ownership is KEY!
-I'm really confused on why exactly the main actor from the House of Payne show received an image award. all he does is run around and yell, scream, and act ignorant.

-Why didn't Soledad close out the program? I think the most important part of a story is the conclusion. And especially considering the fact that this is the LAST Black in America. I wanted her to sum up everything, but I guess she feels that the stories speak for themselves.
But no need to fear! I refuse to sell my readers short. Tonight, I will do what Soledad neglected to do, and I will sign off Black in America for you.

Tomorrow's Leaders and Today's Pioneers show you just a little taste of what black people can achieve and are currently achieving. Every race has its issues, but the crucial question is "what are your solutions?" And black people in America, as you have just witnessed, are striving to answer that question.

This is Black in America 2: The Solutions. Thank you for watching.

Do you agree with my opinions?

What did YOU think of the final installment of Black in America 2?

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My Thoughts and Yours- Black in America 2

After waiting a year, viewers were finally able to watch Black in America part 2 on CNN. I have to say that overall I thought it was better than the last one, and it definitely had a more positive spin.

I have decided to lay out some of my thoughts on Black in America 2 in bullet form, so that it is easier to read and to the point.

My thoughts:
-I was disappointed that we didn’t get an update on the stories she featured in Black in America 1

-I just loved this quote from Malaak Compton Rock-“Service is the RENT you pay for living.” It is SO true, because volunteerism and giving back is essential to everyone’s lives and the community

- Journey for Change: I think it is a wonderful program, and I do think that showing underprivileged kids others who have less than them can be an eye opener, but I don’t think it's enough. You can’t take underprivileged kids and show them more poverty, and then expect them to take that and do well. Or change the way they've been living. I think that if you want them to be successful, to expand their horizons or do better, then you need to show them successful, accomplished black people. They need to SEE success first, so they can EMULATE it.

-Everything about Steve Perry and his school was impressive and amazing. Great success story. My only problem- 2,000 on the waiting list to get in?! Something needs to be done. Let's talk EXPANSION! (question: Is it possible that his success rate is so high because the school only has 80 students?)

-I have too many questions left over about MLT. How do you get in the program? Does it cost money? If so, how much? Is MLT the reason that the young lady got into Northwestern’s MBA program? Or was it just because she was intelligent enough on her own? (I mean, she was a Chemical Engineer after all) Oh and don't be surprised if they make a reality show out of it. (It definitely looked like it could be one.)

-I thought that the Doctor had a good quote- “We’re invisible because we don’t fit the stereotype”. SO true. But if the elite black upper class is so invisible to most of America, then why didn’t you show MORE of it, Soledad? I definitely felt that more could’ve been shown.

-Another good quote: “Never use race as an excuse, or as an advantage”

-Soledad O’Brien is DEFINITELY the hardest working woman in journalism right now. (CNN "Reclaiming the Dream" special, Latino in America, promos, etc.)

These are just SOME of my thoughts on Black in America 2. Do you agree?

What did YOU think of Black in America 2? Was it better than the first?

Let’s talk about it.

My words are up.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

LIVE interview with Karrine Steffans gone wrong! But wait..WHO exactly is in the wrong??

Karrine Steffans had a fiesty live interview on CW 31 in Sacramento about her new book,"The Vixen Manual". The interview was getting so intense that it eventually had to be cut short.

This live interview is clearly an "Interview Gone Bad". I can't tell who is more in the wrong- Karrine or the CW anchors?

Watch the video for yourself when you read the rest...

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As a journalism student who is interested in Broadcast, I found this interview to be quite shocking. One thing is for sure- You get all kinds of situations when you go LIVE, and you have to be ready.

I definitely feel that the anchors should have known a little more about the book. But if they only received it the day before, what else could have been done? But the male anchor was completely in the wrong for his sign off comment, that was clear.

I also feel that Karrine could've been a little more respectful as a guest on the show. The female anchor did have a point- how is the book about "all those lessons that no one gave me as a young child"... if there are explicit drawings of sexual positions inside??

What do YOU think? What went wrong here?!


My words are up.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

CNN's Black in America 2

Tomorrow Soledad O’brien will be reporting on CNN’s highly anticipated segment “Black In America 2”. Click CONTINUE to read more...

I tuned in last year to watch, and although it was creatively done, I remember being very disappointed. I felt that she showed African Americans in a very negative light, and she didn’t really go in depth with the people that she featured. She would tell us about the problems of one family, and how they needed to solve them, only then to move on to another story. I remember feeling frustrated because I wanted to know how the families ended up, and I felt that she left too many loose ends.

Fortunately for us(I hope), Black in America 2 is said to be focused on the SOLUTIONS to the problems in Black America. This should be a better segment to watch, but I hope there is some type of update on the unfinished stories in the first “Black In America” segment.

CNN came to the University of Missouri-Columbia last semester to give a “pre-screening” of Black In America 2. Many students turned out for the event, expecting to be one of the first to witness it, only to be shown an elongated commercial for the segment. Many, including myself, were let down. We were only shown tidbits of the different stories that are going to be featured, and it caused me to have a serious Déjà vu from Black in America 1.

I seriously hope that Soledad O’Brien will be able to effectively show African Americans in a more positive light.

What did you think of Black in America 1?

Will you be tuning in to watch Black in America 2? What would you like to see?

Let’s get a comment conversation going to get our thoughts together before we watch the second installment. Then after watching Black In America 2 tomorrow at 8pm, come on Alex’s Anecdotes and express your opinions!

My words are up.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Would you want to live to be the "Oldest Man in the World"?

The oldest man in the world died today in Britain. Henry Allingham passed away in his sleep. He was the last living British WWI Veteran.
Would YOU want to live to be this old? Find out how old he was when you read the rest.

Allingham was 113 years old.

Hearing this news made me beg the question to my readers- would you want to live to be 113 years old?

Now although the prospect of dying does not appeal to me, I think that there is a certain point in life where there is not much else that can be done.

Allingham definitely led a full life- he was a veteran of both WWI & WWII, served in and founded the Royal Navy, served in the Royal Air Force in WWI and as an expert dealing with magnetic mines in WWII. He was even attending events and receiving awards up until his death. The Royal Navy threw him a birthday party aboard the HMS President a month before he passed.

But let’s think about it: Allingham was 113 years old, blind due to macular degeneration, living in a senior citizen’s care home. His wife passed away in 1970, and he also outlived his two children. He is survived by many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren, but they all live in the United States. Towards the end of his life he was visiting schools and war-related events as an ambassador for his generation, but in my opinion, this man was basically all alone.

I want to live as long as I can, but that being said, as long as I can really LIVE. I want to be traveling, experiencing new things, and spending time with those I love. If my life has been reduced to staring at the same four walls everyday, being cared for by people I don’t even know, then perhaps that means my time is up.

But on the other hand, life is a precious gift. If you are given more time than the average person, then you should cherish it and be thankful.

What do you think? Would you want to live to be 113 years old?

The movie “The Bucket List” is a great movie that lightly touches on this topic in a way.
COMMENT. Let’s get another great conversation going.

My words are up.

PS- R.I.P Henry Allingham

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What's your verdict on "The Black Olympics"?

Dallas Cowboy’s tight end Martellus Bennett has revved up another little controversy with his latest video: The Black Olympics.
The Olympics consisted of competing to see who could eat fried chicken, watermelon, and drink kool-aid the fastest.

See the actual video for yourself when you read the rest.

His statement: "I don't really think it's offensive," Bennett told The Michael Irvin Radio Show. "It depends on your sense of humor and how you look at things. We were just having fun and it was very funny for me and my brothers, when I look at it I just can't stop laughing. If someone takes offense, I apologize. That wasn't my intention. It was just us having fun."

I personally think that he must have too much free time on his hands.

What do you guys think? Offensive or not offensive?

What if other races had put on the "Black Olympics"? Would it be offensive then?

Let’s get some comments going.

My words are up.
**Bennett has already received a $22,000 fine earlier this year for his previous YouTube Video, one that insulted blacks and homosexuals.
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***1,000 HITS***

Alex’s Anecdotes reached a very special mark yesterday. In less than a month, this blog has received well over 1,000 hits— from all over the world! I just want to say “Thank You” to my frequent visitors and readers, and even the first timers, you are all greatly appreciated.
I have more to say so please keep reading...

I hope you are enjoying the various anecdotes that I post on stories from around the U.S. and world. The blog is still in its very early stages, I have great plans for it, and I am learning more and more as I go along.

Please continue to read the posts, and please continue to comment, as I carry on this journey further into the blogging world.

Oh, and don’t forget to tell your friends about Alex’s Anecdotes. We are also on twitter:

My words are up.


PS- Any suggestions or comments on how the blog is going? Let me know!

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

French Factory Worker Layoffs Incite Explosive Reaction

In a bad case of “Layoffs Gone Horribly Wrong”, 336 employees at the New Fabris factory in France are negotiating their severance pay, and they are bringing on the heat.

Find out their fiery negotiating method when you read the rest…
The factory recently was ordered into liquidation by a court, and so the workers are asking for the factory’s two biggest clients --Renault and Peugeot-- to pay up. When I say “pay up”, I mean $41,000 per job that is being cut. Nothing to sneeze at: That’s $13 million total.

On Sunday, the French workers threatened to blow up the plant if their demands aren’t met. And to show their seriousness, they have placed gas bottles all along the outside of the factory.

If the two clients don’t comply, the workers have set an expiration date for the factory: July 31st. Worth millions of dollars, numerous car parts would be burnt to a crisp.

“If we get nothing, they get nothing at all," said Guy Eyermann, union official and secretary of the company works council.

But French officials have dismissed the workers, thinking they are bluffing, and using depressurized gas bottles for show. The factory’s former client Renault refuses to pay the workers, saying that is not their responsibility.

So how will this story end?

We’ll have to wait until July 31st to find out, but who do YOU think will give in?

French officials or the French factory workers?? COMMENT!

My words are up.
**Today is "Bastille Day" in France- On this day in 1789, French commoners stormed the Bastille(a prison), which started the French Revolution.
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Monday, July 13, 2009

British Ad Execs Have Appraised Life's Moments

The book “You are Really Rich, You Just Don’t Know it Yet” puts price labels on priceless moments in life. Written by British advertising execs Steve Henry and David Alberts, the book was written with the intent to show others that in this recession, it's important to remember that life’s moments are worth so much more than money. Now how they are planning to do this by putting price labels on everything, I’m not exactly sure.

Find out what life experiences have the highest price value when you read the rest...

Research specialist Brainjuicer conducted a study and asked over 1,000 people what made them happy. They were asked to rate 50 different life events and experiences and compare them with the pleasure gained from a lottery windfall. Based on a rating system, a monetary value was then calculated for those different life experiences.

Good Health came in at the top of the list, with it being worth $290,040. Being told “I Love You” came in second, worth $263,177.

I understand that the initial concept of the book was to get people to see that money isn’t everything, but I can’t agree with trying to put a “price” on life’s “priceless” moments and pastimes. I feel that there is a reason why we have the word “priceless”, because associating monetary value to the moment would not do it justice. Also, for different people, moments may have more or less value. There is no consensus from people all over the world on the value of the things we experience in life.

I wish people would stop trying to estimate the value of life’s precious moments, and instead try to just enjoy them. After all, you only live once.

Here are some other interesting things and their monetary value:
$290, 040 –Good Health
$263, 177-Being told “I Love You”
$177,207 – Spending Time with family
$173, 965 – Laughing
$126,641 – Having a pet
$86,413 – Reading a book
$65, 716 –Eating Chocolate
Do you agree with their appraisal?

My words are up.

**But I do commend the two for trying to help people focus on the TRUE important things in life. It is hard to remember to do that in the midst of a recession.
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Thursday, July 9, 2009

**UPDATED** Final Resting Place Not So Final

Just imagine going to a cemetery to visit the grave of your loved one…only to find out that their body is not actually there!

Many families who have sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers or other family members buried in Burr Oak Cemetery near Chicago have learned the disturbing news that their loved one may or may not actually be in their final resting place.

The cemetery manager and three gravediggers concocted an elaborate scheme in order to resell plots. They would dig up graves at the cemetery, dump them in a weeded area at the back of the site, or place them in other graves so they could resell the plots.

A historical African-American cemetery near Chicago, Burr Oak Cemetery was for many years the only cemetery where African Americans could be buried. It has been the final resting place for many famous figures -- Civil rights lynching victim Emmett Till, blues singer Dinah Washington, bluesmen Otis Spann and Willie Dixon, Harlem Globetrotter Inman Jackson, and several Negro League baseball players.

Police raided the cemetery Wednesday morning under the suspicion of financial theft and discovered what was going on. The Sheriff’s office has reported that around 300 graves have been removed, and that the scheme has been going on for about four years.

A dozen FBI agents will be assisting the police in sorting through the evidence and identifying the bodies.

Meanwhile, the families will have to wait to hear of news, and prepare to lay their loved ones to rest once again.

CNN has reported that authorities have found Emmett Till's casket to be amongst the ones that were removed. It was originally reported that his grave had not been touched, as the cemetery workers claimed they left his grave undisturbed. Authorities found his casket carelessly discarded in an old garage, and "wild life" was found living inside it.

The story of Emmett Till's death is one that redefined the Civil Rights Movement.
"Emmett Till's lynching redefined emotions in our culture in very fundamental ways," Jesse Jackson said. "So to see his casket in this state of desecration and neglect is very painful."

It was the owners who called the police because they suspected some financial problems going on with the cemetery.

This is truly a sad and disturbing story. 2,000 families went to the cemetery to see if their loved ones' graves had been tampered with. My heart goes out to all of the families who laid loved ones to rest at the Burr Oak Cemetery.

My words are up.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Alcatraz May be the Newest Island Overnight Stay

Would you want to spend a night in one of the world’s most infamous federal penitentiaries?
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, the agency that oversees Alcatraz Island, is considering opening it up for overnight stays.

Now it may seem obvious, but just to clarify, Alcatraz will not be turning into a luxury hotel. But it will definitely be all-inclusive.

Representatives from Golden Gate say that they plan on just refurbishing some of the barracks, which means that visitors will find themselves enjoying a dorm-like room that fits 20 beds. Oh yeah, and did I mention that Alcatraz currently has no running water?

In order to carry on the tradition of “The Rock”, overnight visitors will have to pay a price to stay. But instead of committing crimes to obtain a reservation, visitors will have to earn their keep through labor and a small fee. All overnight visitors have to be volunteers working on service projects to improve the facility.

Many aren’t too fond of the idea, but it may be just what Alcatraz needs as an incentive for more volunteers:

“I would definitely be interested,” said Alex Cordery, a California tourist. “It’d be good to be able to say that you stayed at Alcatraz.”

Well that would certainly be an interesting topic at the office cocktail party.

Would you stay at Alcatraz?
My words are up.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

SciFi Channel Hopes Name will Deliver them from Geekdom

Today will go down in history for NBC Universal’s SciFi Channel…and NO, I'm not talking about the MJ Memorial...but the 16-year-old network is changing its name. Click to find out the new name...

The channel will be changing from “SciFi” to “SyFy”. (Which is pronounced Sigh-Fie)

"We explored them all," Dave Howe, the President of the channel said. "We wanted a word that was uniquely ours, while not straying too far from the sound of 'Sci Fi.'"

Why the name change? The channel is trying to “broaden its audience”, and it feels that the current “SciFi” name is too limiting.

TV historian Tim Brooks, who actually helped launch the channel said, “The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular.”

Apparently shows like Battlestar Galactica, Stargate Universe, Eureka, and Destination Truth aren’t to blame for that.

And is it just me, or is this new name pretty much exactly the same?

My words are up.

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Monday, July 6, 2009

This Airline has NOTHING to Hide

How many times have you been on an airplane and didn’t pay attention to their in-flight safety video? Although it does provide critical safety information for the flight, many passengers don’t even give it a second glance.

Well, this New Zealand airline is baring it all -and I do mean all- so that its safety video will once again be the center of its passengers’ attention...

The flight attendants and pilot in an eccentric video called “Bare Essentials of Safety” are wearing nothing except for body paint. The paint is made to look like their uniforms, and it all falls in line with their current “At Air New Zealand, our fares have nothing to hide” advertising campaign.

That’s a lot more than American or Southwest Airlines can say, that’s for sure.

Check out one of their commercials that features the body paint below...I found it to be more interesting than the actual Safety vid:

My words are up.
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The "M-Word" a no-no?!

Having some trouble figuring out what the “M-word” is?

The Little People of America(LPA) are calling on the FCC to ban the word “midget” from being aired on Broadcast Television. In their statement, LPA said that the word is just as offensive as any other racial slur. I found this to be quite interesting, as I have never really considered m****t offensive. The more I thought about it, however, the more I realized that m****t is more often than not used in a pejorative sense.

While many may not be taking this call to action seriously, I think that as this society continues to promote diversity and diversity consciousness, we must make sure to include everyone in that movement.

But as for the appropriate terminology…I think the LPA needs to get a little more creative.

I know that I am some inches away from being able to officially comment, but “Dwarf” or “Little People” seem just as offensive.

My words are up.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Recently Exposed Blurry Line in Entertainment Journalism **UPDATED**

So in the recent media frenzy over Michael Jackson's death(may he rest in peace), I have noticed some disturbing aspects of entertainment journalism. Over the last few days, I have learned almost everything there is to know about MJ: from whether or not he fathered his own kids, to information on if he had a sexual relationship with the video girl from "Thriller", and to what his last meal consisted of before his death(chicken and romaine lettuce).

As I watch/read all of the information that the media has been clamoring to break out first,

I can't help but feel that they are going too far. I realized this when I sat glued to the television screen in amazement as last night's "Insider" episode was entirely about MJ. I was astonished at some of the information they were disclosing...they even showed a picture of the bedroom that Michael died in!

Is this true journalism? When do we as journalists draw the line? I realize that this is entertainment journalism, and some consider it just "the nature of the business", but at what point is it going too far?

TMZ has been in the lead when it comes to reporting new information on MJ; they even reported Michael Jackson's death before the coroner's stated time of death. But in a CBS interview, TMZ's Harvey Levin assured America that there is a line in entertainment journalism that he is conscious of, and he is determined to not cross it. So what was his example of going too far you ask? Levin said that it's publishing pictures of MJ's dead body, of course. But given the way this media rat race has been going, I guess anything else is fair game. And I do mean anything.

No hard feelings to MJ's family members and loved's "just business", right?

My words are up.

After word got out that OK! Magazine's next issue is going to be publishing MJ's "last picture" on their front cover, in which he is lying on a strecther possibly dead...Even MSNBC's "The Scoop" is starting to acknowledge how far the media is going! Read the article HERE:

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