I featured the press conference LIVE on this blog, and I am working on getting that video so that others may watch it in case they missed it. Until then, I have provided a brief overview of what the unions had to say, and a video that sums up the situation when you read the rest.

The Union leaders press Conference:
-They asked the President and Gov. Deval Patrick to apologize for their remarks on the arrest
-In reference to Obama’s remarks: said that the police didn’t act stupidly, but rather the other party did (Meaning Henry Louis Gates)
-They even said that they don’t necessarily agree with the fact that the charges were dropped!
-“He encountered a full lack of cooperation”. So I guess that to them, that means that the arrest was warranted.
-They said that the sergeant acted appropriately by arresting Gates for disorderly conduct in his own home
-Why didn’t the African American on the stage speak? Guess he was just up there for show.
The Union Leaders definitely had a lot to say. They fully support the sergeant, and feel that Gates was in the wrong. But how? Let’s think about it. Someone sees an African American breaking into a house so they call the police. Okay fine. The police arrive at the scene, to find the suspect already in the house, so they ask for an ID. Okay fine. Just doing their job. But once Gates showed his ID, WHY was an arrest made? That’s where I have the problem. So what if Gates was angry and upset? Wouldn’t you be? That is still no cause for arrest. People talk crazy or bad mouth police everyday. If EVERYONE who has done something similar to that were to be arrested, then there would barely be any room left in the jailhouse. The sergeant should have just been satisfied with the fact that his job was done, and walked away. You know, to go pull over someone for speeding or to stop a robbery or something.
MSNBC video that has Crowley & Gates' different versions of the situation:
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But I guess since none of us were actually there, and we didn't hear OR see what went on for ourselves, we aren't really free to comment on the situation. But we sure can have an opinion based on what we DO know.
My words are up.
I'm tired of all the excuses about this! it was wrong, should not have happened, and President Obama's statement should not be in the spotlight on this issue.
ReplyDeleteOur actions tell us alot about a person. President Obama was man enough to admit that he might not have used the best word, ("stupidly"), when describing the arrest situation. Wow, what honesty. Wouldn't it be great if the sergeant would follow suit and verbally consider that perhaps he didn't handle this situation in the best way? Just that little introspective consideration would do wonders, not only for the sergeant, but I would hope for the other officers who surrounded him in support during the press conference. It really doesn't take much to be the bigger man. I truly appreciate President Obama setting the right example, even if others didn't follow his lead.