Everyone is buzzing about the sad news. I really can’t believe it myself, 50 really is a young age. But while everyone is talking about this event and spinning it their own different ways, (Talking about his trial, his surgeries, his children, etc.) I want them to consider something else. Let’s look back on his life for the good times he brought us. Many of us grew up listening to his music, and we associate it with many events in our own lives.
But for him, instead of enjoying life’s little moments as he got older that most people get to experience, he was out performing and providing entertainment to enrich the lives of others. And what about his own life? When I was talking to my parents about his death they kept saying, “I remember when his song ___ came out, I was in high school….” Or “I loved this song growing up…” But what about Michael Jackson? What about what he enjoyed when HE was growing up?
Just imagine not being able to lead a normal life. I mean the going to school everyday, playing in the park, spending time with family, hanging out with friends, etc. And then there are the firsts: Your first kiss, your first road trip, your first job, etc. He wasn’t able to really grow up that way…he was too busy performing since the age of 5. Even when he wasn't on tour, he wasn’t even able to go outside and go to the store….without being swarmed by fans.
And how do we repay him for all the joy he brought us with his music? We scrutinize his every move...We judge him…and call him “Sicko” and “Jacko”. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not condoning any of his behavior, I am just saying that I feel no one really tried to understand him. In an interview with ET he explained that he never really was comfortable around people, the only place he was comfortable was on a stage with thousands of people watching. Because THAT is the only life he really knew. And boy did he know it well.
So even though I am sad at the passing of the King of Pop, I can’t help but feel a little glad. He no longer has to feel troubled about his childhood. He no longer has to be scrutinized and judged by the media and the public. He now has the peace that he was looking for.
And as for the rest of us, we now have the peace of just listening to his music.
My words are up.
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